2024, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (4)
Vygotsky: analysis from grounded theory
Palomino GL, Vargas FJJ, Ibáñez REJ
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1580-1601
PDF size: 515.43 Kb.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze Vygotsky's Thought and
Language from the perspective of Grounded Theory using the
technological tool Atlas ti. This is due to the consideration that
academic texts are carriers of complex conceptual proposals from
different authors and perspectives where bias and reading depend
on those who consult the work. Another way of seeing the text and
which is the reason for this paper is to carry out a reading guided by
the technology of the elements that the author of the text points out
as central to his work. It is a qualitative work that analyzes the three
categories constructed a posteriori from the fragmentation of the
text: language and thought, internal speech and language
development. In the first part, a profile of Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
is made; in the second part, a tour of the grounded theory is made;
in the third part, methodology and organization of the results, is
presented in two moments. The first of these is the exposition of the
codes and families derived from the global analysis of the text
showing the frequency of the codes that allowed the construction of
categories; The second moment is the exposition of the three
categories and the discursive fragments that show the meaning of
the author's proposals and that highlight his contributions to the
existence of internal processes of the human being where the
psychological and the historical converge as a result of complex
dynamic processes.
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