2022, Number 1
Data collection for epidemiological surveillance of COVID-19 in Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 379.12 Kb.
The emergence and development of the COVID-19 global pandemic as a novel health event gave rise to abundant scientific production, mostly about the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, given its high transmissibility and lethality, and to a lesser degree about community activities, indispensable though they are to control the disease and derived from compliance with the first stage in epidemiological surveillance of a more conventional nature. The purpose of this brief communication is to present some comments on data collection for surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Cuba in the year 2020. The text is presented in a sequence that summarizes the known stages of a surveillance system, prioritizing the events occurring in the data collection stage, as an initial contribution to the rigorous evaluation of the procedures used in each stage of epidemiological surveillance during the pandemic, with the purpose of not repeating the mistakes made, thus improving the performance of the National Health System.REFERENCES
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