2022, Number 1
Vector Control and Surveillance Program in the pandemic times
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 620.49 Kb.
Introduction: The current pandemic of COVID-19 has caused healthcare services to focus on its containment, treatment, control and eradication; however, attention must be paid to other programs such as the Vector Control and Surveillance.Objective: To describe the implementation of the principles of the vector control and surveillance program before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: A retrospective observational descriptive study on the indicators of the vector control and surveillance program at the Teaching Polyclinic “Ramón López Peña” in Santiago de Cuba, during January- June 2020 and January- June 2021. The state of the entomological and clinical surveillance indicators in both periods was studied.
Results: The infestation rate was higher than that established in the National Vector Control and Surveillance Program for both periods with a higher focality during the pandemic. The number of patients reported with non-specific febrile syndrome, hospitalizations, monoserum and reagents decreased from January- June 2021 by 85, 78, 61 y 13 cases respectively, compared with the same period in 2020. 20% of the hospitalized cases with non-specific febrile syndrome were suspected cases of COVID-19, and the disease was confirmed in 14.5% of patients.
Conclusions: Due to the complex epidemiological situation caused by COVID-19, the Vector Control and Surveillance Program has been neglected. This translates into failure to comply with the main indicators for vector control and a poor clinical surveillance of arboviral diseases.
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