2024, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (4)
Psychometric properties of the interprofessional competencies selfefficacy instrument
Muñoz MS, Amato D, Cerón MA, Duhart HG, Gómez CF, Jiménez MM, Lara BA, Novales CX, Pineda OJ
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 1360-1377
PDF size: 419.04 Kb.
The literature identifies the lack of instruments in Spanish to
evaluate interprofessional competencies determined by the
Collaborative and Interprofessional Education panel of experts.
Therefore, the objective of the study was to describe the
psychometric properties of the instrument to assess self-efficacy of
interprofessional competencies. An instrumental study with a crosssectional
design was carried out, with a non-probabilistic sample of
199 undergraduate students from six university courses in the health
area, from a multidisciplinary unit. An instrument designed by the
authors was used to measure the level of perceived self-efficacy of
generic competencies, it consists of 26 items on a Likert-type scale.
To analyze the psychometric properties of the instrument, an
exploratory factor analysis of principal components with promax
rotation was carried out. A four-factor solution was obtained and
Cronbach's alpha values above 0.778 for each factor. It is concluded
that the instrument has acceptable psychometric properties and that
it is required to test it in professionals working in the professional
field and verify convergent validity with other instruments.
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