2024, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (3)
Integration and relevance of compassion in acceptance and commitment therapy
Robles OFJ
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1199-1220
PDF size: 581.68 Kb.
Contextual therapies are a set of therapeutic proposals that take up
aspects of radical behaviorism and the functional analysis of
behavior, where emphasis is placed on contextually situating
people's public and private behavior (emotions and thoughts).
Among the various contextual therapy proposals, acceptance and
commitment therapy (ACT) stands out, which proposes a model of
psychological flexibility made up of six elements, among which
people's vital values stand out. Specifically, the value of being
compassionate towards oneself and others and the actions related
to it has been identified as a factor that promotes psychological
health, which is why specific programs have been developed to
develop it and is a central theme of compassion-centered therapy
(CFT). This article will present the basic elements of ACT and two
therapeutic approaches for the development of compassion, as well
as some of the main proposals for integration between them.
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