2022, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Farm 2022; 55 (3)
Acute oral toxicity analysis of Agave Offoyana Jacobi fructan extract
Hernández MAR, Alberto VM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 463.99 Kb.
Introduction: Fructans have various applications in food and health as they are used
selectively by the beneficial gut microbiota and are not digestible.
Objective: To analyze the level of toxicity of fructan extract of Agave offoyana Jacobi
Methods: Three adult individuals of Agave offoyana were collected in the "Tres Ceibas de
Clavellina" Managed Floristic Reserve, Matanzas province, in July 2017. The stems of the
plants were crushed and the aqueous extract was concentrated. The extract was characterized
by thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. A toxicity
study was conducted where Balb C mice were used, three animals/sex/dose. Data on body
weight and food consumption were expressed as the mean ± DS. The differences between
the means were determined by a single classification analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
Dunnett's multi-range test, in all cases taking a significance level of p < 0.05.
Results: The presence of fructans of low and high molecular weight was observed, with a
degree of polymerization from 3 to 7. Administration of single doses of the extract did not
result in toxicity effects, nor deaths during the first 24 hours or in the subsequent 14 days of
observation. There were no alterations in food consumption. The autopsy at 14 days revealed
that the organs, tissues and cavities had normal morphology, coloration and size. Statistical
analysis of the weight of the animals at 7 and 14 days after the dose was administered
revealed no significant differences between the control and experimental groups.
Conclusions: The aqueous extract of Agave offoyana Jacobi (Asparagaceae) is not toxic at
the dose evaluated in Balb C mice of both sexes, so its use in food and medicine could be
considered once its chemical and toxicological characterization is completed.
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