2022, Number 3
Metabolic syndrome and risk factors in the adult population
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 793.32 Kb.
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is the set of several disorders or diseases that increase the risk of suffering from a cardiovascular disorder or diabetes. Over time, the age group of people suffering from this disease has increased. Currently it ranges from 35 years of age onwards, because from very early stages of life people are sedentary and have bad eating habits. In Ecuador, research on metabolic syndrome has been scarce.Objective: To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the Andean population of Chimborazo-Guano province.
Methods: The research was descriptive, cross-sectional. Sociodemographic, risk factors, pathological history information was collected and analyzed with the chi-squared test. The study population was 141 patients and inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken into account.
Results: 39.7 % of the population presented metabolic syndrome, in an age range between 49 and 65 years. The most prevalent altered clinical parameters were abdominal perimeter over the reference range (100%), followed by high triglycerides (50%) and decreased highdensity cholesterol (30%). Among the risk factors that predispose the presence of metabolic syndrome were the type of diet, lack of physical activity, family history and high body mass index.
Conclusions: The appropriate treatment of metabolic syndrome is based on prevention, control of various risk factors, a healthy lifestyle and is easy to apply in people, in order to avoid long-term difficulties and reduce the risk of developing cerebrovascular disease and thus prevent premature death.
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