2024, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (3)
Assessment of the therapeutic alliance in cognitive-behavioral therapy of depressive symptoms in a university student: a clinical case study
Rondina RC, Colenzio MP, Ananda TK, Fortes WMR, Aragão MR
Language: English
References: 31
Page: 1069-1095
PDF size: 531.87 Kb.
This research consists of a clinical case study on the treatment of
depressive and somatic symptoms in a cognitive behavioral therapy
approach. The objective was to investigate the associations
between characteristics of the therapeutic alliance and the evolution
of the clinical picture. The participant was a university student,
attended at a psychological assistance center of São Paulo State
University( Marilia, São Paulo, Brazil). For data collection, the
following were used: Beck Depression Inventory II; Cognitive-
Behavioral Inventory for Therapeutic Alliance Assessment; Empathy
Scale (Therapist and Patient Versions) and semi-structured
interview. Data triangulation was performed, integrating the
information obtained through scales and inventories, with the
therapist's and patient's perspectives on the course of therapy.
There was a significant reduction in the patient's symptoms at the
end of therapy. The results suggest that the use of tools to assess
the characteristics of the therapeutic alliance in Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy can provide feedback on the therapist's performance,
maximizing treatment outcomes. New studies are still needed,
involving the application of instruments of this nature containing,
simultaneously, the perspectives of the therapist and the patient.
Cognitive-Behavioral Inventory for Therapeutic Alliance
Assessment could be improved and/or expanded to include the
patient's vision as well. It is suggested to re-elaborate the instrument
in the “therapist and patient version” format, to increase its scope or
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