2024, Number 6
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Med Crit 2024; 38 (6)
Experience in the implementation of a humanization protocol for an intensive care unit: a case report and literature review
Franco ML, Rivera MK, Flores ÁO, Raygadas RLA, Arciniega CM, Álvarez MP
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 510-519
PDF size: 366.48 Kb.
Introduction: in the dynamic and demanding environment of Intensive Care Units (ICU), the humanization of care represents a paradigm that seeks a balance between the use of advanced life-saving technology and the vital need for compassion and empathy in patient care.
Objective: to identify and analyze the different humanization protocols that improve the patient and family experience in the critical care setting. As well as to show an overview of these strategies by examining the challenges and the way forward to integrate humanized practices from the development of the H-ICU Program in our unit.
Selection and analysis of articles: this review is based on recent studies that address the humanization of ICU care in adults. We included research analyzing the implementation of humanization protocols in PubMed, CINAHL and Cochrane Library, using key terms related to "humanization in critical care medicine" and keywords. Studies published in the last 15 years were included to guarantee the relevance and timeliness of the information, thus ensuring the relevance and quality of the information. After analysis of the literature and presentation of our protocol, it is revealed that humanization in the ICU involves a multidimensional approach ranging from effective communication between health care personnel and family members to the creation of a physical environment that favors patient comfort. Various strategies are identified, such as the inclusion of family members in the care process, personalization of care, and staff training in interpersonal skills. These approaches not only improve patient satisfaction, but can also positively influence clinical outcomes.
Conclusions: humanization in ICUs is essential to improve quality of care and patient experience. It is concluded that, although there are challenges in the implementation of these protocols, the benefits are significant, both for patients and health personnel, constituting a future line to be developed by our unit.
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