2024, Number 3
Case study: cognitive behavioral intervention for the management of anxiety symptoms and anger management
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1158-1174
PDF size: 437.50 Kb.
Anxiety is an anticipated response to an event perceived as threatening; it usually manifests itself in physical, emotional, behavioral and/or cognitive symptoms. There are different models that explain and understand anxiety, highlighting cognitivebehavioral ones. The present single case study describes the intervention plan from a cognitive-behavioral perspective, aimed at a 51-year-old man who comes to the service voluntarily after a conflict with his partner derived from the inability to manage anger. The intervention aimed to reduce anxiety symptoms through the development of cognitive and behavioral skills that allow the user to express their anger in such a way as to reduce the probability of affecting their interpersonal relationships. The intervention consisted of 14 sessions, in which the progressive muscle relaxation technique, thought stopping, and problem-solving therapy were demonstrated. The results suggest that the stated objectives were met.REFERENCES
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