2024, Number 3
Evaluation of family medicine residents through clinical competencies in Diabetes mellitus
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1142-1157
PDF size: 329.52 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the clinical competencies of the family medicine resident in the comprehensive care of patients with type-2 diabetes. Material and Methods: Quasi-experimental study, in the Family Medicine Unit no. 80 (IMSS) of Morelia, Michoacán, in 3rd year family medicine residents, during the period from November 2022 to September 2023. Three phases: 1) planning: establishment of 7 domains to be evaluated, creation of 7 scenarios through three types of stations (real patient care, simulated patient care or clinical case resolution), script for simulated patient, rubrics and checklists (to measure skills, aptitudes and attitudes), knowledge exam; 2) implementation: diagnostic and formative evaluation of clinical competencies, 3) feedback and summative evaluation. Results: 20 participants, 60% women, 32.7±4.0 years of age; clinical competencies: 90% competent; knowledge: initial score 6.1±1.06 vs final 9.16±0.76, (p 0.038); skills 65% good, attitude 90% excellent; 75% excellent fitness. Deficient in: calculating BMI to categorize weight; omission in the notification of risk factors and diagnostic criteria for diabetes. Conclusion: The family medicine residents of Family Medicine Unit 80 are competent in the comprehensive care of type-2 diabetes.REFERENCES
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