2024, Number 3
The family as a protective factor against fomo in adolescence
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1130-1142
PDF size: 343.96 Kb.
The group who uses social networks most is adolescents. These have multiple benefits, but they can also have negative consequences. FoMO (fear of missing out) is associated with the problematic or maladaptive use of social networks. This fear of missing out forces people to be constantly aware of what others share. During adolescence, the family continues to play an important role in setting limits to ensure healthy development. This article aims to reflect on the importance of the family as a protective factor against the development of FoMO and to do so, the existing scientific evidence regarding this topic is analyzed.This article aims to analyze the existing scientific evidence regarding the importance of the family as a protective factor against FoMO. It is concluded that the family structure and functioning, the quality of the relationships and communication between the adolescent and their parents, the parenting style, among others, are factors that influence the use of technologies and, consequently, can contribute -or not- to the development of FoMO.REFERENCES
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