2025, Number 2
A novel technique for maintaining ventilation-oxygenation and intubation through the DuCanto catheter. Report of two cases and description of the technique
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 120-125
PDF size: 475.87 Kb.
Airway management in critical situations is an art, not because of the fact of intubating a patient but also because of the ability of medical personnel to maintain oxygenation and ventilation, hemodynamic status, adequate integrity of brain function and acid base balance; the use of accessories and techniques to guarantee this purpose, makes the difference between a satisfactory prognosis and a discouraging one for a seriously ill patient. Two cases are presented, a 46-year-old male with morbid obesity neurological deterioration and oxygen desaturation, as well as a 33-year-old HIV positive with respiratory distress syndrome due to pneumonia, and after failed attempts at using direct laryngoscopy with the secondary of injury to the hypopharynx and bleeding, the specialized airway personnel who came as support used the DuCanto catheter (SSCOR Inc.) connected to a mechanical ventilator to maintain the patient's oxygenation after inserting it through the vocal cords, taking advantage of its design that adapts to the hypopharynx. It allowed these two patients to be ventilated and then slide an intubation Bougie through the DuCanto catheter and afterwards exchange the catheter for an endotracheal tube.REFERENCES
Vazquez-Lesso A, Flores-Flores O, Lopez-Perez DL, et al. Biosecurity for health-care personnel performing endotracheal intubation through the DuCantoTM catheter for the management of "residual aerosols" in patients with SARS by COVID-19: new alternative. Revista EMIVA News. 2020. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30452.17284.
Vazquez-Lesso A, Flores Flores O, Lopez P et al. DuCanto CatheterTM intubation technique for the management of residual aerosols in patients with COVID 19. Poster presented at: Sociedad Científica Internacional EMIVA (International Scientific Society for the Evaluation and Comprehensive Management of the Airway); 2020.