2025, Number 2
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Rev Mex Anest 2025; 48 (2)
Parasympatholysis or parasympathomodulation? Introduction of a new therapeutic term
Gaytán-Fernández B
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 103-106
PDF size: 326.87 Kb.
The vagal reflex is one of the most frequent complications of surgical effects, its consequences can lead the patient to go from sinus bradycardia to asystole. Parasympathetic lysis is a treatment that inhibits the cholinergic effect but leaves the sympathetic system without a counterbalance with antagonistic effects that subject the patient to diametrically opposed results that can range from sinus tachycardia to more serious arrhythmias such as polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. In this article, we propose the introduction of a new therapeutic term: Parasympathetic modulation. This approach to treatment no longer tries to change the hegemony of one system for another, instead, it aims to find the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic effects that achieve hemodynamic stability, especially in the fragile patient.
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