2003, Number 1
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2003; 48 (1)
Coronary artery fistulae to the venous sinus. An unusual case
Espinosa FR, Maldonado MP, García OR, Pavía LA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 53-57
PDF size: 129.79 Kb.
We present the case of a 55-year-old man, without symptoms and a positive stress testing and a myocardial perfusion image positive for ischemia. He was submitted to coronary angiography, which showed a posterior descending branch of the right coronary artery fistulae, to the coronary sinus. This type of vascular congenital malformations are less frequent, and specially this one which is less common. In this article we revised the latest physiopathology, diagnosis and treatment for this pathology.
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