2025, Number 2
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Rev Mex Anest 2025; 48 (2)
Evaluation of the effectiveness of intrathecal morphine in postoperative analgesia in hysterectomized patients
Morelo-Lora UÁ, Armas-Pedrosa G, Paz-Estrada C, Pías-Solís S
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 76-79
PDF size: 375.79 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate the analgesic quality of intrathecal morphine at different postoperative doses.
Material and methods: a sample of 50 hysterectomy patients divided into two double-blind groups was used, using bupivacaine at 0.5% 10 mg plus morphine, at two different doses of 0.3 and 0.5 mg, where the predominant age of the patients was more than 40 years, a classification of the functional status of group II ASA, the presence of co-morbidities mainly hypertension in a high number of patients although compensated.
Results: the adverse effects found were nausea, vomiting and light pruritus; which predominated in group II. However, the patients in this group showed better pain quality, less use of analgesia for rescue in the postoperative period and a higher degree of satisfaction, so the dose used in them was the most effective.
Conclusions: the results of this research allow the use of intrathecal morphine as an anesthetic method in hysterectomies to control postoperative pain at the indicated doses.
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