2024, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (4)
Discomfort, symptoms, and social bond in our time. a perspective from psychoanalysis
Hernández VL
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1561-1579
PDF size: 403.36 Kb.
In the contemporary world, we are shadowed by discomforts and
symptoms that present us with individuals complaining of
sadness, solitude, anguish, depression... Alone, anxious, full of
pain and suffering, they take refuge in a narcissism that offers
them an imaginary completeness which isolates them and
plunges them into an empty hedonism that distances them from
desire, love, and emotional connection with others. We observe
a time where desire has been subjugated, overwhelmed, and
humanity invaded by a widespread malaise. We ask ourselves,
what do we desire today? Is desire a true desire, or has it lost that
constitutive lack so necessary for subjects to desire? It seems we
face a new symptom that has become normalized, as if the
modern subject has a basic symptom: the autistic, linking the
subject to a pleasure apart from social bonds and rising the
subject addiction to technology and consumerism. A subtle
discourse is needed, a symbolic supplement that can link the
symptom to the social bond, strengthening the structural tying of
the subject and allowing them other possibilities for existing in our
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