2024, Number 3
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2024; 52 (3)
Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Epistaxis
Pinzón-Navarro MA, Torres-Riaño MP, Martínez-Manjarrés MM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 221-248
PDF size: 727.22 Kb.
Introduction: Epistaxis, or nasal bleeding, is a common condition that can range
from mild, self-limiting episodes to severe cases requiring urgent medical intervention.
Despite its frequency, epistaxis can present significant clinical challenges due
to its wide range of underlying causes and the need for a systematic approach to management.
This clinical practice guideline is designed to provide a comprehensive
and evidence-based approach to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of epistaxis.
Its purpose is to assist healthcare professionals in making informed decisions,
optimizing patient care, and improving clinical outcomes.
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