2022, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2022; 61 (3)
Surgical treatment of giant fibrolipoma of the back
Tamayo CAM, Martínez GA, Cuastumal FDK
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 422.53 Kb.
Lipomas are the most numerous soft tissue tumors. We present a case of Hoffman-Zurhelle disease associated with giant lipoma in the thoracodorsal region and lipomatosis treated surgically in conjunction with the plastic surgery and general surgery specialties of the Ameijeiras Hospital.
To show the results of surgical treatment of excision of a giant tumor of the back.
Clinical case:
A 34-year-old male patient underwent dissection of the dermographic flap in cephalic direction up to the paravertebral line and neck under general anesthesia. One centimeter thickness was respected, approaching at the level of the trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscle interface. The lipoma capsule was identified and became independent of the muscle fibers and the deep plane until it was excised, as well as the excess skin with superficial cutaneous lipomatous nevus. Closure by planes without tension.
Resection of a giant fibrolipoma on the back was achieved with careful planning that respected the vascular supply of the flaps, the skin coverage without tension and preserved muscle function in the absence of complications.
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