2024, Number S1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (S1)
Barriers to identify suicide attempts and risk factors in adolescents: Analysis of a clinical case
Casas MA, Velasco RÁE, Rodríguez CA, Agatón-Peralta VA
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: S54-S59
PDF size: 351.06 Kb.
Background: Suicide attempts are not explicit in all cases, and neither are the
possible risk factors or triggers of these behaviors, especially in the adolescent
population. Identifying them is crucial to provide comprehensive care and preventing
fatal outcomes.
Clinic case: A 14-year-old male patient went to the emergency department for
ingesting 40 pills, initially referring it for recreational purposes. He was admitted for the
management of drug poisoning. The assessments are reported: medical, social work,
mental health, and through a screening of risk factors. Barriers to the identification of
risk factors and suicidal behavior were analyzed.
Conclusions: Through the analysis of this clinical case, four main barriers to identifying
adolescents with suicide attempts and their main risk factors were identified.
These were related to a) the knowledge and skills for the identification and registration
of the suicide attempt; b) limitations to identifying potential risk factors for suicidal
behavior; c) the lack of systematization for the evaluation of children and adolescents
suicide attempts, and d) the need for multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration
and communication, sometimes inter-institutional and intersectoral, for the comprehensive
care of patients with suicide attempts. In addition, the advantages of having
screening instruments for the assessment of adolescents with suicide attempts and the
systematization of the process were identified.
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