2024, Number S1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (S1)
Suicidal behavior in Mexican adolescents: Comparative analysis among geographic regions of the country
Casas MA, Velasco RÁE, Rodríguez CA, Loredo AA, Prado SE, Álvarez MG, Tejadilla OD
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: S47-S53
PDF size: 665.44 Kb.
Objective: To estimate the frequency of suicidal behavior (suicide ideation and attempts)
in the Mexican adolescent population and compare it by geographic region.
Material and Methods: In a cross-sectional online survey from April to June 2021,
6775 adolescents’ responses were analyzed: 61.06% were female and 38.94% male,
with an average age of 16.40 years (SD 1.33 years), selected by two-stage clusters. To
assess suicidal behavior, two questions (one on ideation and the other on attempts) from
the Youth Self Report mental health screening instrument, which has been validated
in adolescents, were used.
Results: 44.12% of the participants reported suicidal ideation, 10.03% attempted
suicide, and 7.39% engaged in suicidal behaviors. There were no statistically significant
differences by sociodemographic region of Mexico.
Conclusion: During COVID-19 confinement, suicidal ideation was more frequent
than in other studies, but not suicide attempts or ideation/attempts combined, and there
were no significant differences by geographic region of Mexico.
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