2024, Number 5
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Rev Mex Urol 2024; 84 (5)
Treatment of anterior urethral stricture with paclitaxel-coated balloon dilator in children: preliminary report
Cuevas VS, Higareda GRA, Mogollón FR, Godínez ÁP, Campuzano VS, Takahashi ÁTJE
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 342.86 Kb.
Case description: Three pediatric patients with urethral stenosis due
to multiple etiologies underwent mechanical Paclitaxel coated balloon
dilation (Ranger TM). All of them underwent fluoroscopic follow-up at
3 months and no recurrence was observed.
Relevance: The worldwide incidence of urethral stenosis in males is 0.2-
0.6 %. Currently, urethroplasty is the best therapeutic option. Paclitaxel
is an antiproliferative drug initially used as a chemotherapeutic agent
and currently used for resolution of coronary obstruction due to the
inhibition of fibroblast growth. We advocate for its use along with
mechanical ballon dilation for the treatment of urethral stenosis.
Clinical implications: Urethral Paclitaxel balloon dilation has shown
better anatomic and functional results in anterior urethral stenosis
compared with endoscopic treatment, specially in recurrent stenosis
<3 cm in third fase studies. The short and medium term results are
promising with a success rate of more than 65 %.
Conclusions: Paclitaxel coated balloon dilation can be used safely
in pediatric patients with urethral stenosis, achieving resolution of
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