2024, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2024; 23 (4)
Analysis of interventions to improve hypertension treatment adherence in Latin America: a scoping review
García-López AC, Abril-Valdez E
Language: Spanish
References: 51
Page: 28-38
PDF size: 371.09 Kb.
Introduction: Lack of adherence to treatment represents a public health problem that has a direct impact on the health of
the population.
Objective: This review synthesizes findings of experimental studies to improve medication adherence and
blood pressure control in the Latin American context.
Material and method: A scoping literature review was conducted
following the PRISMA for Scoping Reviews, a search and review of published studies was carried out, in the Latino population,
from 2013 to 2023 in the MEDLINE (PubMed) Scielo and SCOPUS databases, in which the methodology for evaluating
medication adherence and blood pressure control in patients with hypertension was analyzed.
Results: 216 Latin American
articles were identified, of which 57 were subject to eligibility evaluation, with 9 studies included in the review.
The instruments to measure adherence to treatment were mainly self-reported questionnaires. Most of the studies included
in this review report a low level of adherence associated with suboptimal clinical values. The most recent evidence has focused
on addressing the problem of non-adherence with an educational/motivational approach, mainly through reminders on
mobile devices.
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