2022, Number 4
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Mul Med 2022; 26 (4)
Neurocutaneous melanosis. Case report and literature review
Mengana MMD, Ferrer MR, Pérez DMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 364.06 Kb.
neurocutaneous melanosis is a non-hereditary congenital disorder characterized by the association of multiple or large pigmented nevi and an excessive proliferation of melanocytes in the central nervous system. The incidence is similar in both sexes, and a family history of melanoma is observed in a single case.
Case presentation:
this is a male neonate born at the General Hospital of Luanda in Angola, with a giant melanic spot that extends from the neck, face, chest, abdomen, back and upper limbs, requires surveillance of dermal lesions and control of seizures.
reviews of the available medical literature on the subject were conducted, consulting the Oxford genetics program, and photos of outstanding clinical features were taken. Usually the neurological symptoms are of early onset in the neonatal or infant stage with the presence of seizures that are difficult to control, creating a reserved prognosis.
it is considered important to monitor neurodevelopment in a multidisciplinary way for timely intervention if necessary.
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