2022, Number 4
Periodontal plastic surgery. Application of the semilunar flap technique
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Introduction: every day it is more frequent to observe the concern of patients for the presence of mucogingival disorders, and within these, one of the most common is periodontal recession. This can be accompanied by root sensitivity, increased prevalence of caries and cervical abrasions.Case presentation: the case we presented was a 25-year-old male patient who came to our office concerned about his aesthetics and dental sensitivity to thermal changes. It presented a periodontal recession of 3 mm at the level of 13.
Discussion: we decided to solve the problem with the semilunar flap technique, fulfilling the objective of the work by solving the problems of aesthetics and sensitivity of the patient once the root is covered and the width of the inserted gum is increased.
Conclusions: on clinical examination the results showed a root coating, increase in the thickness of the inserted gum, decrease in dental sensitivity and aesthetics accepted by the patient.
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