2022, Number 4
Early care for children with delayed psychomotor development
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: Early Care programs are pro-developmental and highly effective as a whole for children with developmental disorders.Objective: to determine epidemiological and clinical-therapeutic factors in children with psychomotor development delay treated in the Early Care consultation of the Jimmy Hirzel Polyclinic, Bayamo, Granma, during 2018-2019.
Methods: a descriptive, longitudinal observational epidemiological study was conducted, which included 88 children diagnosed with psychomotor developmental delay and treated in the Early Care consultation of the Jimmy Hirzel Polyclinic, Bayamo, Granma, during 2018-2019. Variables studied: age at the time of diagnosis in the Early Care consultation, sex, origin, perinatal risk factors and evolution at 12 months of diagnosis and initiation of rehabilitative treatment. Descriptive statistics were used for data processing.
Results: children diagnosed between 6 months and 11 months and 29 days (52.3%), female (65.9%) and urban origin (69.3%) predominated. 82.9% presented perinatal risk factors, with a predominance of low birth weight and perinatal infections. 90.9% evolved favorably, highlighting those diagnosed between 6 and 11 months and 29 days, and those who did not have or had one or two perinatal risk factors.
Conclusions: most of the children studied were diagnosed in the Early Care consultation between six and twelve months of age, presented one or two perinatal risk factors (the most frequent being low birth weight), and evolved favorably.
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