2022, Number 4
Treatment of oral lichen planus using photodynamic therapy
Language: Spanish
References: 5
Page: 1002-1006
PDF size: 350.12 Kb.
Text Extraction
No abstract.REFERENCES
Saleh W, Tageldin S, Khashaba E, Darwish M, Elnagdy S, Khashaba O. Could photodynamic therapy be utilized as an alternative treatment modality for oral lichen planus?. Photodiag Photodyn Ther [internet]. 2020 [citado 2 ene. 2020];30:[aprox. 9 p.]. Disponible en: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32006650/2.
Sulewska M, Duraj E, Sobaniec S, Graczyk A, Milewski R, Wróblewska M, et al. A clinical evaluation of efficacy of photodynamic therapy in treatment of reticular oral lichen planus: A case series. Photodiag Photodyn Ther [internet]. 2019 [citado 2 ene. 2020];25:[aprox. 7 p.]. Disponible en: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30447415/4.