2022, Number 4
Classic Kaposi sarcoma
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 976-984
PDF size: 836.68 Kb.
Kaposi's sarcoma is a low-grade malignant tumor derived from the vascular endothelium. It is frequently diagnosed in men over 50 years of age and with positive serology for the human immunodeficiency virus, with a relatively benign course; on rare occasions it is the cause of the patient's death. We present a female patient, of rural origin, who began with wine-red macular and nodular lesions on both lower limbs and hands; she underwent a skin biopsy and was diagnosed with Kaposi's sarcoma. It is a rare disease, poorly reported in female patients. It was observed that the distribution of the lesions in this patient was peculiar, since it also affected her upper limbs.REFERENCES
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