2025, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2025; 36 (1)
Diagnostic Challenges in Intestinal Tuberculosis: Case Presentation
Cuellar-Aguirre C, Hernández-Ascencio J, Amat-Traconis MA, Rodríguez-Córdoba MJ, Pavón-Pérez LB, Lecourtois-Amézquita MG
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 32-36
PDF size: 130.43 Kb.
Background. Despite being preventable and curable, tuberculosis has
caused a significant number of deaths throughout history. This case
study emphasizes the importance of accurate and timely diagnosis,
highlighting the atypical manifestations of the disease, and contributing
to the knowledge and clinical management of intestinal tuberculosis.
Clinic case. A 23-year-old man, previously diagnosed with
gastroenteritis and showing no signs of improvement, was admitted to
the emergency department. An exploratory laparotomy was performed
with a presumptive diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. In a subsequent
procedure, after receiving a positive AFB report, the obstruction was
relieved without the need for resection.
Discussion. Intestinal tuberculosis is a serious disease with nonspecific
symptoms, making diagnosis difficult. A biopsy is necessary for an
accurate diagnosis as this presentation can mimic other pathologies.
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