2025, Number 1
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Aten Fam 2025; 32 (1)
Description of the Predominant Clinical Picture in Dengue-COVID-19 Coinfection: Review of Reported Cases
Salazar-Alcaraz G, Roman-Morales YE, García-Morales G, Gil-Ojeda R, Garduño-Orbe B
Language: Spanish
References: 59
Page: 59-68
PDF size: 282.04 Kb.
Objective: to describe the clinical features
in dengue-COVID-19 coinfection in
published cases or case series.
we searched PubMed, Scielo and Google
Scholar for reported cases of denguecovid-
19 coinfection, MeSH terms of
“coinfection-coinfection”, “Dengue”,
“covid-19” and “SARS-COV-2” were
used. Dengue-COVID-19 coinfection publications
from January 2020 to August
2023 were included. We excluded duplicate,
restricted access, retracted articles
and those in which the viruses were not
laboratory confirmed. Those in which
there was a third acute infectious process,
non-simultaneous coinfection and
when the result of one of the viruses was
a false positive were eliminated.
57 cases were included, the predominant
symptoms were fever with 96.5%,
general malaise in 54.4% and myalgias
in 49.1%. Alarm data such as edema,
hepatomegaly, pleural effusion and encephalitis
were more frequent in the 0
to 19 years age group. Seven deaths were
reported in patients older than 19 years
of age. Symptoms associated with death
were dyspnea and lethargy.
the predominant symptoms identified
in the cases studied were fever, malaise
and myalgias, which are present in both
diseases. In dengue endemic areas, the
treating physician should be aware of
dengue-COVID-19 coinfection in order
to provide adequate management and
avoid complications due to this cause.
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