2025, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2025; 67 (1)
Mexico’s health system, 2023
Gómez-Dantés O, Serván-Mori E, Cerecero D, Flamand L, Mohar A
Language: English
References: 57
Page: 91-105
PDF size: 389.40 Kb.
Mexico’s health system is comprised of two sectors, public
and private. The public sector includes social security institutions
and institutions that provide services to the population
without social security. The private sector includes private
insurance companies and service providers working in
private offices, clinics, and hospitals. Longer lifespans and
exposure to risks associated with unhealthy lifestyles have
transformed the leading causes of disease and death. Chronic
non-communicable diseases and injuries are increasingly
prevalent in the health profile. Health system coverage improved
over the last two decades, from less than 50 million
people with health insurance in 2000 to over 100 million in
2016. Healthcare in Mexico is financed with public and private
resources. Public resources finance partially the institutions
that serve the population with contributory health insurance
and fully those that serve the population without this labor
benefit. Health spending represents 5.5% of gross domestic
product. There are 34 756 healthcare units in Mexico. The
ratio of doctors per thousand inhabitants is 2.5. Healthcare
regulation activities include accreditation of health sciences
schools and faculties, licensing and certification of physicians
and nurses, and certification of healthcare units. The Comisión
Federal de Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios is responsible
for health regulation.
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