2025, Number 1
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Acta Ortop Mex 2025; 39 (1)
Is the use of total vertebrectomy justified for single vertebral metastases? Presentation of one clinical case and review of the literature
Portes-Chiva A, Isart-Torruela A, Vila-Canet G, Arco-Churruca A, Rodríguez-Rubio D, Manzano-López D, Lafuente-Baraza J, Saló-Bru G
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 52-57
PDF size: 517.15 Kb.
Introduction: the indication for total vertebrectomy in single vertebral metastases is increasingly questioned, especially in metastases with unknown primary tumour.
Material and methods: in this article we describe a case of vertebral metastasis of unknown primary tumour treated by total vertebrectomy, and a review of the literature.
Results: in those patients with a good general condition, single vertebral metastases and no involvement of internal organs, as in our case, curative surgical treatment can be considered with total vertebrectomy being the treatment of choice in lesions that only affect the body of the vertebra.
Conclusions: total vertebrectomy may be a therapeutic alternative in patients with primary tumours or single vertebral metastases, but the high rate of associated complications should not be underestimated.
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