2025, Number 1
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Acta Ortop Mex 2025; 39 (1)
Results in the lumbopelvic isokinetic and functional training in patients operated with dynamic stabilization system
Esquitin-Garduño N, Coronado-Zarco R, Miranda-Duarte A, Zárate-Basurto A, Acosta-Cortez J, Reyes-Sánchez A
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 13-18
PDF size: 249.38 Kb.
Introduction: the tendency in the rehabilitation is to train specifically to the lumbopelvic girdle muscles, to give stability and segmentary control of the same.
Objective: to evaluate the isokinetic lumbopelvic in the patient's functional qualities with a dynamic instrumentation system (Accuflex).
Material and methods: post-operated patients of spinal stenosis by means of dynamic liberation and fixation (Accuflex). Pain analogous visual scale was applied and the Oswestry functional qualities index and isokinetic evaluation of the knee flexo-extensors muscles (Biodex 3 Pro). A lineal isokinetic strengthening program (Cybex Kinetron II), during 6 weeks period, three times in a week in sessions of 40 minutes.
Results: ten female patients (71.4%) and four male patients (28.65%) with an average age of 43.4 years. 13 of them (92.8%) with affectation in left pelvic member and 4 patients (7.2%) of the right pelvic member. L4-L5 (72%, 10 patients) and L5-S1 (28%, 4 patients). Low back pain the previous valuation was 4.4 versus 1.5 mm final with a p = 0.004. Affected pelvic member, initial was 4.6 versus 2.1 mm of the final valuation with a p = 0.004. The initial Oswestry disability index showed a 30 vs. a 19.64% subsequent to the training with a p = 0.0001.
Conclusions: the lumbopelvic lineal isokinetic training showed to increase the force and muscular resistance in the inferior members with the functional conditions of the patients of the studio.
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