2024, Number 5
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Acta Med 2024; 22 (5)
Prevalence of postoperative dysphagia in laparoscopic fundoplication
Pérez HJL, Ricárdez GJA, García GA, Vega RA, Hernández EF
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 371-375
PDF size: 267.51 Kb.
Introduction: the minimally invasive fundoplication is considered the surgical treatment of choice for chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease. Post-surgical dysphagia is one of the most common and important complications of laparoscopic fundoplication, which can become chronic over time and require different treatments. Calibration during fundoplication has been proposed as an option to avoid postoperative dysphagia.
Material and methods: an observational, retrospective, and descriptive study was carried out where the surgical approach, the calibration, the type of fundoplication, the duration of surgery, and the Dysphagia Outcome and Severity Scale (DOSS) score were compared to find their relationship with postoperative dysphagia.
Results: 84 patients with a mean age of 48.11 ± 8.89 years who underwent different fundoplications were recruited. 16.66% of the patients developed postoperative dysphagia, and no significant relationship was found to present postoperative dysphagia associated with the presence or absence of any calibration method, the type of fundoplication performed, or the surgical time.
Conclusions: the prevalence of dysphagia secondary to laparoscopic fundoplication is not affected by whether or not calibration is performed during the surgical procedure with a probe ≥ 36 Fr or with the endoscope.
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