2023, Number 1-3
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Rev Mex Periodontol 2023; 14 (1-3)
Rapid forced extrusion technique for the treatment of dental fractures: case report
Silva RAS, Gómez TD, Montemayor MR
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 28-32
PDF size: 335.21 Kb.
Premature tooth loss is mainly a consequence of three different factors: Dental cavities, periodontal disease, and/or trauma. Dental fractures are one of the most common complications related to trauma and can compromise the survival of the affected tooth. It has been described that forced dental extrusion is a conservative alternative when we seek to avoid tooth extraction, however, this also can be very time consuming when it is performed with conventional orthodontic techniques. The purpose of this case report is to describe the rapid forced extrusion technique based on evidence in which the final result is achieved in six weeks.
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