2023, Number 1-3
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Rev Mex Periodontol 2023; 14 (1-3)
Necrotizing periodontitis: case report
Enríquez HJA, Gómez-Thomas D, Garza GJD
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 24-27
PDF size: 566.58 Kb.
Based on the analysis and evidence studied from the 1999 workshop, a new classification for periodontal diseases was developed. According to the IV document of the "workshop 2017", necrotizing periodontal diseases are classified as necrotizing gingivitis, necrotizing periodontitis and necrotizing stomatitis; three typical clinical characteristics are identified, papillary necrosis, bleeding and pain. Necrotizing periodontal diseases are associated with alterations in the host's immune response, as well as certain predisposing factors that influence its development such as opportunistic bacteria, stress, smoking, and nutrition. The aim of this work is to analyze the characteristics of necrotizing periodontal disease, its correct diagnosis and treatment plan.
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