2024, Number 4
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2024; 44 (4)
COVID -19 in indigenous communities of Chocó, Colombia
Correa GC, Rueda ZV, Gutiérrez LA, Castillo SD, Cortés PAS, Bedoya MI, Zapata RP, Velásquez TL, Hernández SJM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 143-149
PDF size: 241.16 Kb.
Background. The situation of COVID-19 in the indigenous population of Chocó, Colombia, was unknown. Our objective
was to describe the sociodemographic characteristics and history of exposure to SARS-COV-2 in this population.
Methods. Cross-sectional study carried out in indigenous communities of Chocó. Sociodemographic data, medical history,
symptoms and vital signs were obtained. From each person, a capillary blood sample was analyzed using Standard
Q COVID-19 IGM/IGG Duo Test sd Biosensor. A nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab sample was taken for SARS-COV-2/
RT-PCR testing in symptomatic people.
Results. 843 people were included. 55.6% were women, the median age was 32 years (P25: 22-P75: 43). Individuals
reported low reporting of current smoking (2.9%). The most common comorbidities were hypertension (5.5%), diabetes
(1.8%), and asthma (1.6%). 52.8% of people were overweight or obese. We found 33.6% positivity for the detection of
IGM and/or IGG antibodies. Among the positive people, 12.22% were positive for both IGM/IGG, 16.1% for IGM and 23.7%
for IGG. Among 41 people tested for SARS-COV-2/RT-PCR, 13 had positive results.
Conclusions. These results suggest active transmission of SARS-COV-2 in these communities. The concerted efforts of
Western and traditional medicine are necessary to improve their health situation while respecting their cultural traditions.
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