2024, Number 3
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Rev Med UAS 2024; 14 (3)
The Evolution of Neonatal Nursing: Shaping the Meaning and Practice of Nurs-ing in Mexico
Mariscal-Delgadillo M, Loza-Rojas MG, Angulo-Castellanos E, Hernández-Bello J, Coronado-Ramírez JF, Fletes-Rayas AL
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 248-262
PDF size: 565.50 Kb.
The objective of this research is to analyze the evolution of neonatal nursing in Mexico, from its pre-Hispanic origins to its establishment as an advanced specialty. A historical-theoretical approach was employed to examine the contribu-tions of key figures and the development of scientific models applied to neonatal care. The documentary analysis was based on historical and contemporary sources, tracing the transition from traditional practices to modern approaches grounded in scientific evidence. The results show that neonatal nursing has progressed towards a more specialized, holistic, and multidisciplinary approach, with significant advances in neuroprotection and comprehensive newborn care. Additionally, the implementation of models that promote healing and supportive environments for both newborns and their families is highlighted.
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