2024, Number 3
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Rev Med UAS 2024; 14 (3)
ASIA syndrome, an important pathology in our population? Case report and literature review
Quintero-Osuna JJ, Bolívar-Rodríguez MA, Servín-Uribe SD, Cázarez-Aguilar MA, Villagómez-Urquídez RK, Herrera-Aros Y
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 233-241
PDF size: 726.60 Kb.
Introduction: ASIA syndrome was described by Shoenfeld and Agmon-Levin in 2011 as a response to various autoimmune/inflam-matory pathologies developed by patients with a genetic predisposition in response to contact with various environmental stimuli and adjuvants, substances and prosthetic materials used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes.
Clinical case: A 41-year-old female, allergic to penicillin, smoker and hypothyroid, with a history of application of “biopolymers” in the gluteal region and liposculpture, who presented pain, edema and increased volume in the hips and buttocks, due to nodular and irregular tumors associated with arthralgias, asthenia, chronic fatigue, difficulty falling asleep and multiple mood swings. therefore, she underwent surgery for resection of tumors with significant improvement in symptoms after the procedure.
Conclusion: ASIA Syndrome is still a poorly understood pathology, with non-specific symptoms, so its diagnosis should be ap-proached with a high degree of clinical suspicion in patients exposed to adjuvants.
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