2024, Number 2
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Rev Med UAS 2024; 14 (2)
Support and protection of the right to breastfeed in working women
Bolaños-Villar AV, Argüelles-López A
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 182-190
PDF size: 339.83 Kb.
Breastfeeding provides numerous benefits for both mother and child, but its practice is often interrupted when the woman
returns to work. In Mexico, there are public policies and initiatives that promote and protect breastfeeding, including laws
that provide daily breaks during the workday to express milk. The work environment plays an important role in promoting
and maintaining breastfeeding; it is crucial that breastfeeding mothers receive the necessary support and have adequate
facilities in their workplace to continue this practice. The installation of breastfeeding rooms, as well as information and
application of best practices for breastfeeding in the workplace, contribute to the success of breastfeeding during the
lactation period, which is so important for the physical and psychological development of the child.
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