2024, Number 2
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Rev Med UAS 2024; 14 (2)
Root submersion for the preservation of the alveolar ridge in a patient with hearing impairment: clinical case
Santana-Delgado SA, Herrera-Tinajero LP, Bermúdez-Cortés M, Villegas Mercado CE, Espinoza-de la O C, Chairez-Sánchez N, Javalera-Herrera G
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 164-170
PDF size: 409.40 Kb.
Alveolar resorption occurs after tooth extraction and leads to anatomical changes that can impact future prosthetic restorations. Patients with hearing disabilities may have difficulty following instructions for oral care, leading to poor hygiene habits and oral problems
like cavities or tooth loss. We present a clinical case of a 61-year-old female patient who is deaf and communicates using sign language. For elderly patients with disabilities or poor hygiene, the root immersion technique is recommended as it eliminates the risk of
cavities and periodontitis while preserving bone structure for better support and stability when fitting a total prosthesis, is a treatment
alternative that improves the prospects for the success of prosthetic therapies and promotes oral health in patients with disabilities.
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