2024, Number 6
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (6)
Clinical characteristics and evolution of children diagnosed with COVID-19 with outpatient care in primary care center
Peña VR, Cruz TG, Castillo RA, Sorcia RM, Huerta RJF
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 555-559
PDF size: 201.59 Kb.
Background: SARS-CoV-2 infection is observed more frequently in children, with
an apparently milder course compared to adults.
Objective: To present the clinical characteristics and evolution of children diagnosed
with COVID-19 treated in a first-level care unit.
Material and Methods: Information was obtained from the records of children
treated for respiratory and digestive symptoms, in whom a diagnosis of COVID-19 was
made by antigen test, during the month of September 2021.
Results: 75 children out of 220 samples were positive for COVID-19. All children presented
mild symptoms, the most frequent were fever, headache, and cough. At diagnosis,
60% of the children were overweight or obese but had no other comorbidities. At a
two-week follow-up, no patient required hospitalization or presented any complication.
Conclusion: In children with COVID-19, the course of the infection can have a
favorable evolution, mainly when there are no comorbidities.
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