2024, Number 12
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2024; 92 (12)
Sociodemographic profile and assessment of concordance between screening tests and diagnosis in cervical pathology
López ALC, Mejía PDL, Amaya GJ
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 510-517
PDF size: 332.55 Kb.
Objective: To perform the sociodemographic characterization of patients attending
cervical pathology services and to study the concordance between screening and
diagnostic tests that can contribute to the correct and timely identification of patients
with increased risk of progression to cancer.
Material and Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study based on
data from the Cervical Pathology Unit of the Subred Norte de Bogotá (January 2018 to
December 2022). Study parameters: sociodemographic information of patients with cytology,
colposcopy or biopsy report; descriptive statistical analysis of sociodemographic
variables and assessment of concordance between screening and diagnostic tests.
Results: Data from 3754 patients with a mean age of 39.4 years were included, with
a high prevalence of multiparity (82%). Cytology showed ASCUS as the most common
alteration (43.9%). High-grade lesions and carcinoma were confirmed by histopathology
in less than 25% of cases. The percentage of HPV-DNA history during the five years was
less than 9% and biopsies showed weak concordance with cytology findings (kappa
= 0.36) compared to colposcopy (kappa = 0.6).
Conclusions: The need for improved screening with HPV DNA for more accurate
detection of cervical lesions is underscored. These findings highlight the importance
of effective public policies and health programs that can reduce the incidence and
improve the management of patients with cervical cancer.
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