2022, Number 1
Influence of the serum cholesterol in the clinical evolution of burned patients
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 32-41
PDF size: 534.00 Kb.
Introduction: The low concentrations of lipids and the lipoproteins in the burnt patients have been associated with a bad forecast, with a high morbility and mortality.Objective: To determine the influence of serum cholesterol un the clinical evolution of burned patients.
Methods: An observational, descriptive study of longitudinal cut was carried out to determine the influence of the serum cholesterol in the clinical evolution of patient burnings in the service of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology of the Hospital Universitary Manuel Ascunce Domenech of the city Camagüey in the period understood since October of the 2019 to September of the 2020. 16 patients were studied, evaluating the severity rate, the changes in the levels of cholesterol, as well as its relation with the sepsis, evolutionary tendency of cholesterol and state to the expenditure of the patients.
Results: Between the seven to fourteen days of evolution seventy five percent of the patients had low numbers of cholesterol with a predominance in the critic patients. Of the twelve patients that developed sepsis, more of the sixty eight percent had low numbers of cholesterol; of them five patients were classified as critics so there was a tendency to a deterioration relating to the severity rate. Thirteen of the patients of this series exited live.
Conclusions: The serious burns occur with alterations in the metabolism of the lipids. A significant finding was that the patients that developed infection had with low levels of cholesterol. The hypocholesterolaemia was associated to a worse forecast of these patients.
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