2022, Number 3
Tow concentrations of ketofol in total intravenous anesthesia for minimally invasive surgery
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-14
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Introduction: In recent years, a special interest has appeared in the ketamine/propofol combination for patients intervened by minimally invasive procedures.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of total intravenous anesthesia with ketofol at 1:4 concentration versus 1:2 concentration in patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery.
Methods: An analytical, quasiexperimental, prospective and longitudinal study was carried out at General Calixto García University Hospital, between December 2019 and December 2020, with thirty patients divided into two groups of fifteen patients each: study group (SG; ketofol 1:4) and control group (CG; ketofol 1:2). The following aspects were analyzed: mean blood pressure and intraoperative cardiac frequency, degree of hypnosis, degree of nociception, necessity of rescue for hypnosis and analgesia, anesthetic recovery time, postoperative analgesia and adverse effects.
Results: Age, sex, weight, physical condition and type of surgery were similar between groups. Heart rate showed no differences between groups. Mean blood pressure after incision was higher in the control group, with significant differences (P=0.03). The necessity of intraoperative rescue for hypnosis and analgesia was significantly higher in the control group. Regarding anesthetic recovery, postoperative analgesia and adverse effects, there were no significant differences.
Conclusion: The ketofol combination was safe and effective for providing adequate anesthesia in minimally invasive surgical procedures with surgical times of less than thirty minutes. The 1:4 concentration provided better hemodynamic stability, adequate hypnosis and intraoperative analgesia, with lower incidence of adverse effects.
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