2022, Number 3
Mul Med 2022; 26 (3)
Informed consent, limitation of therapeutic effort, euthanasia. A professional reflection
Pérez CJJ
Language: Spanish
References: 8
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Introduction: in the training of the professional of the Medical Sciences in Cuba, the humanist training stands out, however, deepening in the concepts informed consent, limitation of the therapeutic effort and euthanasia, the knowledge and mastery of these concepts would strengthen the medical practice.Development: the knowledge of bioethics and medical ethics is of the utmost importance, because it not only has to do with the principles of ethics, but also with human values, and within them the clarity of concepts and medical professionalism, ranging from the constant concern and occupation for professional improvement, as well as the aspects of social, institutional behavior, self-discipline, total dedication, and the way of presenting oneself not only in society and in the institution, but in front of each patient, being sober, elegant, polite, kind, correctly using the sanitary gown, known as a medical gown, honoring the white color as an expression of purity and keeping the medical secret.
Conclusions: it should be extended to the population by the different means of communication, and especially in the learners and professionals not only in the teaching by university professors, but through the use of information technologies. It is time to legally institutionalize informed consent.