2022, Number 3
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Mul Med 2022; 26 (3)
Ocular affectations produced by the Covid-19 disease. Review
García MY, Peña AY, Torres CK, García NY
Language: Spanish
References: 25
PDF size: 160.06 Kb.
This review was intended to cover of the existing publications up to the moment which inform about the ophthalmological affectations of the COVID-19 disease, caused by the new coronavirus or severe acute respiratory syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was carried out a search in PubMed/Medline until 28/02/2021, the following publications in English were revised: letters to the editor, clinical cases, bibliographic review and clinical studies. In the search field was included both, the abstract and the title of the publication. As ocular affectations produced by the covid-19 were found the viral conjunctivitis, immune-mediated conjunctivitis, oculomotors paralysis (POM) and uveitis. The possibility of retinopathy is raised. Ophthalmologists are at considerable risk of contracting the COVID-19 due to close contact with the patient, exposure to tears and ocular secretions, as well as the use of equipment and devices capable of get contaminated.
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