2022, Number 3
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Mul Med 2022; 26 (3)
Stomatological emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Polyclinic 2 of Manzanillo
Quesada TY, Muñoz AY, Lara CMG, Zamora LI
Language: Spanish
References: 12
PDF size: 185.44 Kb.
Tooth decay and its complications, periodontal conditions and post-extraction infectious processes are the most common causes so patients attend stomatological emergency services. Studying their incidence and the resources demanded by their treatments is necessary to organize stomatological services. Identifying the stomatological emergencies according to the causes that originate it in the Polyclinic 2 of Manzanillo between April and September 2020, during the epidemiological situation caused by COVID-19, has been the objective of our work. We used the cross-sectional descriptive study method in patients who went to the stomatological services of polyclinic 2 in Manzanillo for emergencies between April and September 2020. The universe consisted of 709 patients. The month of greatest influx of stomatological emergencies was May with 254 patients, predominating among them the female sex with 51.9%, while dental caries and its complications was the cause for which more patients attended, with 82.5%. Of the pulp diseases, pulp hyperemia predominated with 361 patients for 61.7%, and of the periapical diseases it was the alveolar abscess with 102 cases, for 17.4%. During COVID-19, stomatological services maintained their vitality through stomatological emergency consultations, dental caries and periodontal conditions were the diseases with the highest incidence, with pulp hyperemia being the one that predominated within the pulp pathology and acute alveolar abscess within the periapical.
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