2022, Number 3
Educational software for the subject general statistics, medium technical level
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Introduction: the development of information and communication technologies plays a fundamental role in the progress of new teaching-learning systems.Objective: to design a virtual environment as a didactic tool to strengthen the teaching-learning process of general statistics in students of the health statistics career at the intermediate technical level using the Moodle platform.
Methods: a development research was carried out at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Bayamo in the 2019-2020 academic year. Theoretical methods were used for the interpretation and processing of the information and the theoretical references of the subject; empirical: documentary analysis of the programs and methodological orientations, and for the assessment of the product by specialists and users, the survey in its form of questionnaire. The methodology used for software development was Rational Unified Process.
Results: a tool was implemented that allows teachers to manage virtual courses as an online space to support face-to-face teaching. Its design provides ease of use and management, allows the administration of user profiles, the management of activities and resources of the created courses, and the administration of the site.
Conclusions: the virtual learning environment responds to the needs of the teaching-learning process of the entity. Its functions correspond to the design model and the functional requirements have an appropriate implementation.
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