2024, Number 11
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Med Int Mex 2024; 40 (11)
Hearing loss as risk factor for dementia: in search of evidence
Lugo MJA, Zazueta CA
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 747-756
PDF size: 386.43 Kb.
Objective: To review the available evidence in English-speaking articles that relates
hearing loss as a risk factor for dementia in elderly patients.
Methodology: A systematic review has been carried out following the PRISMA
guidelines of the reports from the PubMed and Scopus databases, 2016-2023, written
in English, with the keywords “hearing loss is a risk factors for dementia”.
Results: A total of 351 potential writings were found in the indicated search databases,
223 articles were eliminated for being duplicates or in other languages, 103 were excluded
for being book chapters, animal experiments or having another research design,
19 for not having free access, with a total of 6 writings for review.
Conclusions: It seems that there is an association between hearing loss in the
elderly and dementia.
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